Amethyst Gemstone Information

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz. It is part of the hexagonal crystal system. Amethyst is a semiprecious stone with a vitreous or glassy luster. It often comes in shades of violet and purple. The meaning of Amethyst is spiritual healing, calmness, and wisdom.
For those who want to know how to use amethyst in healing; this potent and pretty stone is sure to sweep everyone off their feet and leave all those who wear her gorgeously grounded at the same time. Said to be the bridge that connects the concrete with the divine - the meaning of Amethyst has long been synonymous with spirituality and is famed for its close association with both the third eye and the crown chakra.

Tracing the lineage of this luminous stone, ancient civilizations have been celebrating the amethyst crystal since 25,000 BC. From the Greeks to the Romans and even the Egyptians, everyone was drawn to the deep healing powers the amethyst stone emanated.

From the ice blasted corners of Siberia to the sultry rainforests of Brazil, Amethyst can be found across the globe. Amethyst means ‘not intoxicated’ and comes from the ancient Greek word – Amethystos. The Greeks, recognizing the grounding poignancy of the stone, thought they could use the crystal to protect them against intoxication and that wearing amethyst would keep them from falling down drunk.

Ever awash with the magic of mythos, there are tales of Amethyst earning its hue from the blood-red wine tears of Dionysus. The story goes that Amethyst was actually a young virgin who found herself on the receiving edge of the Gods wrath when he was drunk. The young girl cried out to the Goddess Diana for help and the Goddess turned her into a shimmering pale stone. When Dionysus realized his folly, he wept into his wine glass and in his emotion overturned his goblet. The white stone soaked up the wine until it glowed a gentle purple hue.

Gods and Goddesses aside, the Amethyst meaning echoes through. Drunken behavior is often associated with a muddy mind, high emotions and clumsy decisions. As the antidote to this, Amethyst is therefore associated with crystal clear clarity, deep contemplation, and a sense of control over life.

For those who find they are also pulled towards the soft purples and lavender hues of this glowing amulet, let’s delve a little deeper and unravel all the secrets of the amethyst stone so everyone can reap the benefits of bringing beautiful gemstones into their life…

Who Should Wear Amethyst Gemstone

Amethyst is the birthstone for people born in February and has special effects on channeling happiness and prosperity in their lives. However, anyone can wear this gemstone and channel positive energy in their lives.


According to online claims, amethysts are said to have several physical healing properties, including:

  • enhancing the immune system
  • improving endocrine function
  • improving the skin’s appearance
  • promoting digestive health
  • reducing headaches
  • regulating hormones
  • In Greek mythology, a titan named Rhea gave the god of wine, Dionysus, an amethyst to help preserve his sanity. In fact, this myth led the ancient Romans to believe that amethysts could keep them from getting drunk.

Amethyst uses

If you’d like to try out the reported healing benefits of amethysts for yourself, here are a few ways you can incorporate them into your life:

  • Carry a small amethyst crystal in your pocket or purse.
  • Wear jewelry made from amethysts, such as a necklace, bracelet, or ring.
  • Place amethyst crystals or geodes in your home.

Alternative medicine practitioners may use amethysts and other crystals in healing by placing them around the body. Or, they might place them on the parts of the body associated with different chakras or energy paths.

Other ways to use crystals include:

  • carrying them with you
  • drinking from crystal-infused water bottles (best to purchase from a trusted manufacturer)
  • manifesting, such as holding the crystal and speaking a wish or hope
  • meditating
  • placing them in a bath (just make sure the crystal can be in water)

Because crystals are said to absorb energy, it’s recommended that you cleanse them after use.


To minimize scratching and wear, store each piece of fine jewelry separately in a soft cloth or padded container. Though rare amethyst may fade, avoid prolonged exposure to bright light. Amethyst jewelry is best cleaned with warm, sudsy water and a tightly woven microfiber or other soft cloth.